The Forum Vol. 1
11 Jul 2019


The Forum Vol. 1

The First One

Introducing BIC's First Official Newsletter!

Welcome to our first quarterly newsletter! Here, we share the latest updates of what's happening at PT. Bersaudara Inti Corpora. Scroll down to check out what's cooking here at BIC. 



Supplier Event - Dinner with SNTO

SNTO, one of our foreign suppliers for Metals, had dinner with our Management Team in May. As a company, we believe that having a good customer and supplier relationship is necessary.


Buka Puasa Bersama 2019 featuring Exxon

Every year, BIC hosts a Buka Puasa Bersama event as part of the Indonesian culture. Normally, we would gather everyone in the team for dinner at a nice restaurant and one of us would say an Islamic prayer. This year, we are grateful to have one of our suppliers, Exxon, celebrate Buka Puasa Bersama together with the BIC family.


Meet Our Badminton Team - The BIC Knights

Unlike any other, BIC has our very own badminton team - the BIC Knights. In April, our team won the championship against one of our top customers scoring 5-4.

Great job team!



Sales Training by MDI

BIC believes that continuous improvement is the key to exponential growth. In order to improve our employee's performance, our Sales team participated in MDI's Propayback Selling Training Program. 


APAR Training (Fire Drill) by HR & GA Department

Aside from work related training, BIC also hosts APAR Training every now and then to ensure each department has a good understanding of the safety procedures. APAR Training focuses more on how to use the fire hydrant and evacuation.




01 Apriyani

05 Adin Hadini

06 Rusmawan Pasaribu

11 Risma Damayanti

14 Franky Wibowo

22 Sugeng

23 Chandra Kusuma Cipta

26 Nurma Fitri Debiyani


03 Ria Soraya

06 Marcella Putri Agung

07 Mulyadi

11 Misda

12 Lamri

12 Gita Dwi Atmia

19 Nurfalah

22 Egi Fahlika

25 Fitri Melisa


01 Herman Wahyu Zaki

03 Yuni Pertiwi

04 Suyitno

08 Anita Widjaja

18 Kristiningsih

23 Damianus Fandi

24 Yudi Purwanto

30 Padisi


What's Next

Sports Tournament

This year, we invite other business units to participate in our 2nd annual Sports Tournament! Also, don't go anywhere after the Semifinals Round and win amazing prizes. See below for more details about the tournament:

Babak Penyisihan

27 July 2019 at 10AM - 12PM

Babak Semifinal

10 August 2019 at 10AM - 12PM

Babak Final

10 August 2019 at 2PM - 4PM

Where: V3 Futsal, Jl. Raden Saleh No. 31, Karang Tengah, Tangerang


Fun Badminton

Exclusive for our BIC team ONLY, we are having Fun Badminton before our annual Perayaan 17 Agustus. Winners will be announced on the 17th so don't miss it!

Babak Penyisihan

29 July 2019 & 30 July 2019

Babak Semifinal 

5 August 2019

Babak Final

12 August 2019

Where: BIC Head Office, Jl. Kembang Kencana Blok B2 No. 7B - 7C, Jakarta


17 Agustus

It's that time of the year where we celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day. This year's event include games, food, prizes and more! Curious to know who wins the Fun Badminton event? Be here on the 17th.

When: 23 August 2019 at 12PM - 1PM & 2:30PM - 5:30PM

Where: BIC Head Office, Jl. Kembang Kencana Blok B2 No. 7B - 7C, Jakarta


Teamwork Training by Steve Sudjatmiko

"Teamwork makes the dream work," according to John Maxwell. As part of BIC's training program, we included Teamwork Training in this year's plan to increase productivity & efficiency.

When: 20 September 2019 at 9AM - 4PM

Where: TBD


As you can see, our newsletter will be published ONLINE at our website (WWW.BERSAUDARAINTI.COM) in the beginning of every quarter. Yes, please check it out!

And as for content, we'd love to hear it from you! So if you have any exciting BIC-related news or events, feel free to send us pictures and / or texts via email (NATASHA@BERSAUDARAINTI.COM) or Instagram (@BICGROUPSOCIAL).

Stay tuned and we look forward to hearing from everyone. Cheers!

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Related News and Events


Futsal Competition

Sat, 10 Aug 2019


Fun Badminton

Mon, 12 Aug 2019


HUT RI / 17 Agustus

Fri, 23 Aug 2019

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